From the beginner to the professional, I hope this site will give you tips and tricks of using polymer clay; it is a great hobby. It may even get you interested in modelling.
I started three
years ago. In the beginning the objects were less sophisticated, but lateron
they improved considerably. I call them "Fimo-frutsels". It's nice to work
with Fimo and Creall-therm because you can buy them in several colours
and textures. You can use them together to create a "piece of art".
From the beginning I was interested in making all sorts of (funny) animals and decorated them with flowers and plants.
I am using all
sorts of things: polystyrene objects (i.e. balls), natural material, waste
products (glass, tins and cans).
The castle
of the Wizard and the body of the Jungle Queen are made of a polystyrene
object covered with aluminium foil (this is to prevent it from shrinking
too much). The cave of the Marsupilami kids was made using a polystyrene
ball, not covered with aluminium foil because it had to shrink (see also
page: Materials).
If you have
any suggestion, comment or remark, please let me
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